Tom Corson-Knowles is an accomplished author with nearly two dozen books on Amazon. He has written about things as far ranging as diet smoothies and making money with Twitter. His recent series about writing and publishing for the Kindle platform, including The Kindle Writing Bible: How To Write A Bestselling Nonfiction Book From Start To Finish (Kindle Bible), The Kindle Formatting Bible: How To Format Your Ebook For Kindle Using Microsoft Word (Publishing And Marketing Tips Included For PC) (Kindle Bible), The Kindle Publishing Bible: How To Sell More Kindle Ebooks on Amazon, and The Amazon Analytics Bible: How To Use Analytics To Sell More Books On Amazon And Make Better Marketing Decisions (Kindle Bible), is a collection worth having for any author who expects to publish for the Amazon Kindle reading device at some point.

Remember, you don't need a Kindle reading device to read a Kindle book. Get your free Kindle reading apps for iPhone, Mac, PC, most tablets, and smart phones HERE.

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