It comes down to one simple question, "Do you really want to build a business or don't you?" That may seem harsh, but it's the cold, hard, truth! Building a business online takes effort. It takes work. And there is a process to it all. If you don't work that process -- all aspects of it -- you will not be as successful as you might be. You may not be successful at all. On the other hand, with a little effort, directed in the right places, you can be very successful!

There are other articles on this site, and there will be numerous other blogs over the coming weeks, on the various topics of building your online business. This one takes a brief look at the necessity to promote your online business and touches on a few of the methods and places that you can use to gain exposure for your business and the products or services you sell.

A small number of successful online sellers got to where they are today without promoting their businesses. They had the right products or services, in the right place, and at the right time, and things just fell together for them. We would all like it to work that way. For most of us it won't. In order to be found, in order to make sales and develop new customers, you need to work at promoting your business; to let the world -- or at least some part of it -- know that you are there with products or services to sell. If you don't let people know then those people will not find you. It is a competitive world. There are likely many other online sellers, just like you, in every field offering the same, or similar, products and services and the customers will go to the ones they can most easily find.

That doesn't mean the marketplace is already saturated. Of course not. There is room for many, many, more online sellers in every field you can think of. In fact, it is precisely because so few online sellers do a good job of promoting their own businesses that there is even more room for you to build your business and carve out whatever share of the market you choose. Promoting your business is not exactly easy and that makes it better for those who take the time to learn the process and make the effort to see it happen.

Promoting your business is a very simple concept. It's about being seen; about getting your business name, image, the products or services you carry, out there were potential customers can see them. To do that you need to be where customers are. And you need to tell those customers who you are, what you sell, and where to find you. That's really all there is too it. Sort of.

How you tell them -- what you actually say -- is important. Where you say it is just as important. And you don't have to spend a lot of money doing it. There are a lot of places where you can promote your business online for free. You need to pick a few good ones and work them regularly. Set up a process and follow it through. Set aside an amount of time on a regular basis -- daily, perhaps weekly -- and use that time wisely. For example, if you spend one hour a day on relevant discussion forums and social networking sites you can expose your business to hundreds, even thousands, of people as a direct result of that one hour.

You don't have to be blasting a slick business advertisement, television-style, in the faces of everyone with whom you come in contact. In fact that is not the way to promote your business successfully on the 'net at all. Rather, find a few active forums that deal with topics that relate to the products or services you offer. If you sell sewing supplies find sewing related forums, craft forums that involve the use of sewing materials, etc. Join and participate in these forums, posting regularly in threads on a variety of topics. Join in the discussion and post on topic. Ask relevant questions. Provide help and answers where you can. Become a known as an active, helpful, member of the group.

Many groups don't allow you to post blatant ads. Some don't allow you to mention your business at all. That's okay. Be sure you learn and follow the rules of the site or you will likely be removed. Most forums do, however, allow you to provide a link to your website and other information about your interests (including your business) in your profile. If you participate regularly you will become known as a "go to" member of the group and people will look up your profile to learn more about you. Many forums, even some that restrict "ad" posts completely, do allow you to put a link to your website or store in a signature file that will appear at the bottom every post you make. Make use of this. Make lots of good posts. People will regularly click through to your site.

Social networking sites, like My Space or Facebook, provide lots of space for you to provide a personal and/or business profile. Feature your products or services. Provide information about your business and the items you offer. But go one step farther. Provide general, useful, information about topics related to your products and services. For example, if you sell jewelry provide ring sizing information, gemstone information, details about precious metals. Become a resource. People will look you up for that information and find your business at the same time.

Participate in blogs. Having your own blog is a great idea but you may need to promote it just as much as your business for it to be found. Participate in group blogs. Provide useful information. Most such sites allow you a link back to your site. People read blogs. You're reading this one!

Promoting your business isn't just advertising. It's using your head. It's developing an identity and it's being known as someone people can rely on for quality information. Become that person. It will take a little work but it will pay off significantly in business success.

[The Rev. Stephen B. Henry, PhD., known online as "the wiz", is a professional website designer and e-commerce consultant who has been involved in online business since 1989.]

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