I once suggested to a fellow I know he should learn more about using his computer. He informed me, quite proudly, that he never looked under the hood of his car either. If he wanted something done there he went to a mechanic. Fine. Sorry I intruded in your tidy little world!

But, to continue his analogy I wasn't talking about "under the hood". I was referring more to things like knowing how to use the radio and CD player, or how to turn on the defrost or hazard lights. Accessories that have little to do with actually driving the car but which can make the whole driving experience a better, more enjoyable, thing.

To get back to computers, there are a lot of people I run into every day who have never learned so many of the little things that make using their computer, and especially operating on the Internet, a better, more enjoyable, thing.

This applies especially to people using their computer for online business; people who's business is built solely on the Internet and accessed almost entirely by computer. If you think about it that's a pretty risky thing.

If you use photos (digital graphics) in your listings or on your website you might want know how to edit and resize them. You may also want to know where downloads go on your computer so you can find them later. You already know the difference between an upload and a download, right? You probaboy should know how to find other files on your computer too. Being able to create, and open, archive files is also a useful thing to know.

These, and many other things, are just routine tasks that are important to using your computer effectively. Your computer is one of the foundation corner stones of your business, an important tool that under-pins most areas of your online selling activities. Can you afford not to know how to use it effectively?

Here is a selection of beginners books that cover these areas and more.

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