If you don't work at it it isn't going to happen. That's pretty much the truth as far as being found when selling online goes. Oh, sure, you can just sign up with a selling venue like Main Street Mall Online or eBay and you will sell a few things no matter what you do or don't do. But to be really successful, to build your own profitable online business, whether through a selling venue or your own website, you need to work at promotiong yourself.

Some sellers don't like doing this. Some actually think it isn't necessary. But if you don't promote your business you have very little change of long term success. If you do continually, and consitantly, promote your business you are almost certain to be successful. How you go about it is important, too.

The first thing you can do to promote yourself is to be sure your website pages (or listings) are attractive and contain interesting information. That's a good start to "word of mouth" promotion which, it is said, may be the best form of promotion there is. If people like your site, or find it contains useful information, they will tell others about it. We tend to trust the opinions of our friends and so people who hear about your site, from someone they know and trust, are likely to visit it too.

There are lots of good, free, ways to promote your business to. You don't always have to spend money on commercial ads. Here are a few really great ideas you can pursue:

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