Start Your Own Blogging Business

There are lots of books about blogging around. And lots of so-called deals to get them, too. One nearly $50 ebook is getting a big push right now. In fact, the author says, if you buy right now he will even give you a coupon for $20 off the regular price. So it’s really a […]

How Often Should You Post

Let’s accept that you have a blog. That’s a given. Right? So now the question is how often should you post. After all, you are busy trying to run a business, to sell things. Blogging is just a nuisance. You don’t have anything to say, or you don’t have anything to say others would want […]

SEO For Everyone

Like many of you I’ve been busy trying to find a solution for dealing with the present economic situation that is affecting us all. It is my considered belief that good SEO will go a long way to helping any website regardless of the economic times. So, here’s what I’ve prepared for everyone: “SEO Tips […]

Keys To Blogging Success

Blogging is a powerful tool for SEO and for bringing people, real live people, to your site. Remember, attracting search engine bots is important but they don’t buy anything. Getting actual potential customers to your site is among the most important things you do.