Tarot Reading

Intelligent, reasoning, and indeed reasonable, people who wish to discover more about the way that the world works, or to have a structure of understanding on which to hang their interpretations of the way that the world works, can use any method, any text, and any symbology. In fact this is required of us as […]

Need Some Help?

You may have started your business entirely on your own. At the beginning things were a little busy, maybe even confusing. Your business was small and you managed. Then, like all small businesses, you went through a growth period that tested your abilities or left you short on time. You needed someone to assist you […]

Expert Sites On The Internet

The Internet is loaded with "Expert" sites; places that offer answers, help, information, products, and services, recommended by someone who is supposed to have been there, done that, and got the proverbial t-shirt. There are lots of sites but only a few good ones. So just what is an expert? A friend of mine says […]

Flawless Consulting

Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used. The second edition of Peter Block’s Flawless Consulting gracefully updates what many consider the best resource of its kind. New chapters on implementation, "whole-system" strategies, and ethics are included, but in general it simply fine-tunes Block’s proven advice to […]