Steps for Preventing Website Hacks

It is the fear of almost anyone who has a website – from the sole proprietorship selling handmade merchandise, to corporations like Amazon. It is always a fear and always a problem. Preventing website hacks is something you must be on top of 24/7, 365 days a year. Here are a few tips you can […]

How to Recover from a Site Hack

If you have a business long enough, someday your site will be hacked. You can put in security and monitor your site all you want but once you get popular enough, hacking is bound to happen. So whilst you need to do whatever you can to keep it from happening, it also means that you […]

Nine Security Tips To Protect Your Website

Protecting your website security is just as important as protecting a physical store with good security. With a store, thieves only have one or two access points but with a website, it can be multiple points of entry that you must address in order to fully protect your website.

How Important Is SSL For Your Website?

Secure sockets layer (SSL) is a type of security that protects customer names, phone numbers, addresses, credit card numbers and other sensitive data. So, just how important is SSL? It’s very important if you deal with anything to do with customer data. It'[s also becoming important for SEO now that Google is using it for […]

WordPress Security Top 10 Concepts

It seems you hear about someone’s site being hacked just about every day. In many cases, the business owner could have taken one or two steps to prevent the invasion. While hackers will continue to devise methods to infiltrate blogs and websites, the following tried and true WordPress security points will help keep your WordPress […]

How Hackers Get Into WordPress

…And How To Keep Them Out! Many WordPress blog or website owners worry about people getting into their sites. And for good reason. Hackers are trying to get into your WordPress site and they are using very sophisticated tools to accomplish their task.