I am assembling and publishing a new social media anthology for Kindle and I am looking for nine additional authors to participate in its creation. I am looking for business professionals, coaches, and/or social media professionals to write a chapter on their experience and/or recommendations for social media use in business (online or off). The material should be 1500 to 2500 words (or more) in length and may include reference to your own business (but should not be an ad) and deal mainly with one aspect of social media, one social media service (Twitter, facebook, etc.) or a method of using one or more services in promotion of a business or marketing a product or service.

Additionally you may provide about 200 to 250 words of biographical material to be included separately. You may include your email address, website URL and/or other contact information and a clear promotion, pitch, or statement of what your business provides. Mention of products, services, or other books will be permitted. Content may be edited.
I expect to move forward quickly with publication so I will need your intent to participate almost immediately and a draft concept of material to be covered in seven days. If accepted, final materials for publication will be required not later than 30 days. You will retain copyright on your own material but must provide a non-revocable license for its use, complete or in part, in the anthology in whatever form it is published, or re-published, and for related promotional activities.

This is an opportunity for writers, coaches, social media practitioners, and other professionals to gain public exposure for their professional activities and additional credibility as a writer. Seriously interested parties only should contact me by email: thewiz@ourhutch.com as soon as possible.

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