For me, the biggest daily hurdle to online selling success is information overload. My head still gets turned by something new that might make me a few dollars online. My best advice for someone starting out is to first learn the basics of selling and marketing online free by using your search engine. Review no more than a few guides or systems and then focus on only one or two. Forget the others. You can find more specific information later if you need to, but your brain can only process so much information at one time.

If you have several great ideas for online businesses you want to build, again choose a few and narrow it down to three. These are your possible niches. Decide on only one of those to focus on first, and then focus that further. For instance if you want a site about doll collecting, it's better to focus on one type of doll, like Barbie Dolls. But Pre-1965 Barbie Dolls might be too narrow a niche. If your site is about the Best Sources for Collecting Dolls, then you might include all kinds of dolls, but your site is narrowed to just "Doll Collecting Sources." Once one site is running well, you can make another niche site about Madame Alexander Dolls or Doll Selling Sources.

If you're using affiliate products on your site, make sure they are closely related (focused) to your niche. Make sure all the information on your site is focused to your niche. This will naturally and organically help search engines to find you, whether or not you've studied all the SEO (search engine optimization) techniques.

So the keyword here is to focus, whether gathering information or imparting information. With way too many resources available online, the more tightly focused a topic is, the more truly valuable information you'll find -- and truly valuable visitors you'll attract to your focused site.

[Nancy Oram, President: The Nancy Oram Group, is a successful online business person and entrepreneur who writes her own blog at]

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