If you sell online you likely work from home. Whether it's part time or full time you will want a space to work in. If it's only a desk for your computer you still need somewhere to put the desk. It's always best to have a separate room for your office so you can reduce distractions and leave things in process without worrying about kids, pets or other disturbances. Carefully planning your office location and layout goes a long way to flexibility and efficiency in your daily work.
Choosing the place for your office can be easier if you ask yourself these questions first:
- How much time will you spend in the office? Consider both comfort and function when setting up your office space.
- How much privacy will your choice of office space offer? The less outside interruption you get the more productive you are likely to be.
- Can the area be closed off from the rest of the house? This is a very important considertaion as closing your office means you can better separate your work from your private life.
- What type of work will you be doing? If you are working with plans, drawings, or books you will need room to spread things out. If your work is mostly on the computer you will likely need much less desk or table space.
- Will your work focus around your computer? You will want a suitable computer desk or table.
- Will clients, customers or vendors be visiting you at your office? If so you probably want a door that has direct access to the outside to avoid taking visitors through your home.
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