The old expression, "There Is No Free Lunch!" is typically true. It means that you generally pay for things one way or another. This is true for most free listing templates as well. What you need to decide is whether or not the price you will pay is more than you can afford.

But free listing templates are free, aren't they? Yes, they are free to acquire and use. That seems good. But the bad thing about most free templates is they are free for you to use and for anyone else to use as well. This means several people may be using the same listing template as you at the same time you are using yours.

Part of the purpose of using a listing template is to develop identity or brand. Having a neat, orderly, professional look to your listings is good. Having the same look across all your listings is better. Having a unique look that becomes recognized as you is best. You can't do this with a template that many other people may also be using.

But why should you care? It is important to care about this because building repeat business is, for most of us, an important goal in our plan for success. There is very little customer loyalty in online selling. There is a lot of choice in the online selling field and smart customers are looking around for quality, price and service. You have to work hard to build a reputation that brings customers back to your business again and again. Even then they can be lost in a stormy sea of choices. Using a unique listing template that defines your identity is a beacon in that storm letting your customers know they have found you again.

A free template is a great way to start when you are not sure what you need. It may even be a basis for creating your own unique template later. But getting to your own branded listing template is something any serious seller should be moving toward.