When listing on selling venues like Main Street Mall Online, eBay, Ruby Lane and others the first thing you want to do is to make sure that you fully understand function and purpose of your item title. Your item title is the gateway through which a flood of traffic will find you. You must learn to write to be found, not just to sell, or that gateway will remain closed. You do this by using only those keywords your market is actually searching when they are looking for the kinds of products you are offering for sale.

In the eBay title, for example, you have 55 character spaces allowed and you want to make sure that you use all of them with those specific power-house keywords otherwise you are just wasting valuable keyword realestate. Here are a few things that you can do to make sure that you never waste space in your item title. These key points will help you get more traffic to your listings.

You never want to...

- leave your item title blank.
This is simply the worst thing you can do. Your item title is how people will find you so make sure you never leave it blank.

- leave unused character spaces.
eBay allows you 55 character spaces, other venues have different numbers, so make sure that you use them all up at each site, filling them with power-house keywords. If you don't do this then you are wasting valuable keyword realestate.

- use abbreviations.
Let me say this again so you really get it, "Never use abbreviations!" The reason for this is less than one percent of people will ever use abbriviations in their search.

- use symbols.
Just as with abbreviations, people don't use abbrviations in their search.

- use slang words.
Unless your market uses specific slang words, and you know this for a fact, you should never use them.

- use just any words.
Of course your item title will be made up of words. Just make sure they are all power-house keywords that people in your market are using to search.

- use minor keywords.
Your goal is to get the most traffic possible to your listings. Research your keywords and only use the most powerful.

- try to sell in your title.
Never use words like free, buy it now, last one, hurry, etc. Your item title's purpose is to get you traffic. Do your selling in the item description.

- try to entice them.
People don't search with enticing words or phrases so, when you use them, again you are wasting valuable space that should be used for power-house keywords.