The MLM business model frequently drives people to either try to cram products down a customer's throat or to spend a lot of time doing cold approaches and cold calls. However, the marketing side is frequently lacking. It is a lot easier to get customers from leads that are approaching you, rather than trying to convert a complete and unaware stranger.

7 Marketing Tips to Grow Your MLM Business

MLM can be a lot of work. The difference between being successful and coming up short is whether you are putting the required work into the right things. You can dig a hole with a backhoe or your hands. Both can work, but only one is smart. Always strive to be intelligent in your actions. Try to find the best way, with the best tools, and then work it hard.

Try these strategies to make your MLM business a huge success:

1. The key is to market, not to prospect. What is the difference? When you prospect, you are approaching a stranger that might not have any interest in what you are providing. When you market, you get people calling you that are already interested; that is why they called in the first place.

* Regularly spend some time thinking about new ways to reach the people that might already have an interest in buying your products or joining your downline. 10 minutes a day can accomplish more than you think.

2. Be constantly building your list of leads. No leads = no money. By having an ever-growing list of leads, you will always have new people signing up. Some will sign-up immediately, others will wait. But someone will always be ready to join you.

* The top producers in the MLM world get at least 100 new leads every day. Keep working at it until you can say the same.

3. Focus on providing high value. The customer is always right. Just like any other business, if your customers are not happy, you are not going to be happy. Focus on their needs first and do so to the best of your ability; word gets around.

* When someone is really happy with you is the best time to ask for referrals. You will get more that way! So keeping your customers happy also brings in a continual source of new leads.

4. Find the right niche for you. You are an individual, so the best niche for you has nothing to do with what worked for someone else. You have your own likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. When you are in the right niche, your customers and fellow marketers will connect with you better. Remember that it is all about relationships.

5. Focus on solving problems. People pay money for solutions to their challenges. Whether it is getting their car fixed or being treated by doctors. Nearly everything everyone buys solves some sort of problem. Focus your intent there and you will be rewarded. Again, this puts you in the best position to get referrals, too.

6. Learn from the hyper-successful. There is no good reason to try to figure out everything on your own. Look to those that are very successful and try to figure out what they're doing. Better yet, ask them. Many highly successful people had a mentor at some point; find yours.

7. Teach your downline these strategies. Because of the structure of MLM, when your downline members use these techniques, your business will grow tremendously!

Can you see how this might be a better way to approach your business? Market your brains out, and then do a great job solving their problems. Word will spread. Focus on generating solid leads, not blindly calling every person in the phone book. Most importantly, find a great mentor. There are a lot of great people out there. Someone will be thrilled to help you.

Remember: it is all about marketing; leave the cold call prospecting to everyone else!