We hear about this new cloud computing thing nearly every day. Cloud computing is really just running applications and storing data on someone else's computer so you don't need to have the space or software on yours. There are some issues, of course. Things like security, access, reliability, all seem to crop up from time to time, and the last word hasn't been written yet, but after several faltering starts it looks like the cloud is with us to stay.

I use a powerful cloud-based shopping cart for our e-commerce sites and I'm sold. I've just discovered an interesting outliner-style simple cloud database that doubles as a list-maker, to-do list, organizer, group planner, and many other things.

"WorkFlowy," says Erez Zukerman, writing on DownloadSquad, "is a lightweight outliner endorsed by Matt Cutts." He also calls WorkFlowy "deceptively simple" which is decidedly true. WorkFlowy is a web-accessed tool, a front-end to a database that stores text points, paragraphs, the written word. "WorkFlowy is," says the developers, "like a piece of paper that can hold your whole brain."

It's simple, not a big deal, but it allows you to organize your thoughts, your bills, the book you're writing, the project your are working on, your chores, you plans, your ideas, all in one place. And then it allows you to drill down into your data, find what you want, edit, change, add to it or delete it from the list. It's easy. It's nice.

Matt Cutts, of Google fame, says, "Workflowy has become one of three tabs that I keep open in my browser, along with Gmail and Google Calendar." That's high praise. WorkFlowy is worth a look. Watch this video and see what you think.

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