For many there seems to be a head long rush to grab big numbers. Some think more likes, more followers, more views, more re-tweets, more re-posts, more traffic -- and the bigger the number the better -- is a measure of success. I beg to differ.

Big Numbers Can Be Meaningless

Raw size in numbers isn't what's important. While big traffic numbers (to your website) mean that some of the people you want to attract are probably finding you, big numbers on their own are more likely meaningless.

If you just do the available things to quickly bring large numbers of visitors to your site you have those big traffic numbers but you are most likely to have little real engagement and almost no conversion. It isn't big numbers you need, it's right numbers.

Right Numbers Work

right numbers -- people from your target audience, people interested in what you really offer -- not something you used as bait to seduce them into your pool -- and, most importantly, people ready and looking to buy the products and services you offer are the kind of people you want to draw, even if it is only in small numbers.

Small Numbers Rock

After all, isn't it better to have 30 site visitors who all sign up for your newsletter, who all purchase a product or service, who are seriously interested in what you offer and who will return again and again to your site, than to have 49,000 visitors who pop by, see you are not really offering what they want, and leave almost immediately?

Some would actually argue for the latter. Wow! 49,000! You can force them through some sort of automated funnel and squeeze out real dollars from those numbers! But can you?

Not only has the marketing paradigm changed massively over the last few years, the numbers game has too. A friend of mine sees reaching out to, and working with, 1000 people personally. That's a manageable number. And he sees teaching each of those people to do that same.

That's a million people.

Now that's a big number among big numbers. And you are directly involved, or one step removed from direct involvement, with each of those one million people.

The Power Of One

big numbers power of one next wizardsplace

It's what another friend of mine calls the power of one. Build your numbers one person, one contact, one engagement, at a time. On a day for nearly three years -- that's all! -- and you've got your 1000. Now start helping those people do it.

Instant Gratification

Sure, if instant gratification is your prime motivator then build the big numbers quickly. But if solid success, on-going success, with great engagement leading to excellent conversions, then the power of one will get you there, really THERE, faster and deliver a more solid foundation for your future.

Think outside the box. In fact, have no box at all (NOBOXATALL). Next?

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