If you have ever heard of link bait before, you know that these are pages set up to draw attention based on current events.

Whether this is a recent celebrity scandal, or an outrageous news story that just broke, people use this information to generate traffic to their blogs and websites by spinning the information so it applies to their niche market.

Link bait also works exceptionally well on twitter, and if you’ve spent any amount of time within the community watching other marketers in your niche, it’s likely that you’ve seen this in action.

Posting entertaining and useful tweets is an important part of successfully building your online business with twitter, however you want to focus on spending your time wisely and ensuring that each tweet is productive in helping you further your brand, right?

This is where twitter link bait comes into play. Rather than posting a link to a direct news story, post a summary of it on your blog and direct people to your page in order to read the message you are broadcasting.

This is a passive aggressive marketing tactic that works very well within twitter, because rather than directly trying to sell to your following base, you are simply posting about something you found interesting, useful or entertaining.

Once you have them on your blog, they’ll likely explore your website and if you’ve done your job of developing relationships with your following base and staying active within the twitter community, it will be a lot easier to convince them to subscribe to your newsletter or purchase your products.

Connecting with your followers is one of the most important aspects of a successful twitter marketing campaign, and the more you do it, the easier it is to direct people to your website each time you post a new message, launch a new product or are simply looking for feedback on a potential project.

I've seen marketers directly asking their following base to critique their website, complete a survey or poll in order to generate feedback, to test drive a new script they developed or beta test their software.

Because they have worked to develop relationships with their followers by staying active within the twitter community, offering helpful advice or information, the response they receive whenever they directly ask their following base to visit their website, is phenomenal.

People pay attention to their broadcasts, they visit their websites regularly, and they click on every link sent out within their tweets simply because they spent the time developing an active twitter presence and more importantly, gave back to the community first.

When it comes to generating traffic from twitter, you need to be willing to put in the work of first developing a history on the network itself.

This means that rather than instantly start posting tweets directing potential followers to your website, you want to fill up your time line with personal tweets, that are not focused on selling, but instead, focused on letting people learn more about you.

Once you’ve done that, those visiting your profile page will see your recent activity and that you have been consistently active over time, and are focusing on being part of the community, rather than just promoting your own business.

If you do that, you will be able to grow an active following base who will pay attention to your tweets and subsequently, respond to your messages and click on the links that direct them to your website. It’s as simple as that. People try to over complicate the entire process of marketing on twitter, but what it all comes down to is developing relationships first, a business second.

You want your twitter account to represent you, who you are, where you’re from, what you are interested in so that you are able to successfully connect with potential buyers on a more personal level than with direct marketing.

Once you have a presence on twitter and are interested in directing people to your website, you should use twitter’s current discussions as potential topics for your blog posts. What better way to create curiosity, or address your following base directly than by writing about what they are currently interested in?

By browsing through the time line of your entire following base, you will be able to instantly come up with a lot of fresh, new ideas on what to blog about.

Furthermore, it’s a lot easier to generate traffic to your website when you are able to post a link to a message that addresses a current discussion. After all, that shows you are paying attention to discussions, are interested in the same topics, and are willing to participate in the community.

If you are interested in developing a presence as an expert or authority in your niche, creating blog posts that address questions or discussions currently taking place within your following base is an exceptionally easy way to help you build your brand.

By answering questions and providing help, tips or advice on questions that people have, you can establish yourself as a credible source for information within your niche market, quickly and easily.

One way of exposing your website to new business is to add your twitter account to the free directory available at http://www.twellow.com.

Twellow offers the option to search through specific groups of twitter users, based on category. This makes it exceptionally easy to locate potential prospects in your market, as well as maximize your exposure by including your own twitter profile within the directory’s feature page.

From the twellow.com’s main page click on the search box in the top menu, and then enter in relevant keywords that describe your market.

Just by browsing through existing categories, you will be able to find hundreds of people who are interested in your niche market based on the keywords that appear within their description and bio fields. Since you are focused on building a relevant following base, this is a great technique to jump start your campaigns. You can begin following people simply by clicking on the “follow’ link that appears within each description box.

You will also be able to preview an overview of each member, including how active they are within the twitter community, when they last posted a tweet, and what types of discussions they have participated in.

This is important because you want to focus only on following those who are active within the community, as well as building your following base around those with genuine interest in your market.

There is a similar directory available at http://www.WeFollow.com that showcases twitters based on the categories and descriptions they assign to themselves.

We Follow is a great way to generate traffic to your twitter profile and maximize your exposure, just be sure to choose relevant keywords when creating your description and account summary.


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