While internet marketing can be very exciting and profitable, many newcomers make the mistake of simply throwing up a website with a product and spit it out for the online world to find, never taking the time to find out where their market exists within their niche, all the while desperately hoping that their customers find them.
First, make sure the niche you have chosen is a profitable one. A niche is not your target market. There may be many target markets within a niche. But you need to find "buyers" who are looking online for what you are offering. Here are some free tools to help you find your target market.
Ebay has a great research tool at http://pulse.ebay.com which gives you hot picks, cool stuff, and a daily snapshot of curent trends, including data on what's selling in any market and the popular searches used to find them.
Another great tool which you can use is Google Trends at http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com/gtrends. Go there and type in a niche keyword. Click "Hit Me" and it will show not only your keyword, but the top 100 related keywords and an estimation of of the average search volume for those keywords daily. To the right of your keyword you'll see a red and blue bar graph. Click on it and it will show you the number of competitors for that keyword. Use this to get specific with targeted keywords and long tail keywords.
You can also make use of MSN's "Commercial Intent" tool here http://adlab.msn.com/OCI/oci.aspx to really fine tune your market. This will show you where the "buyers" are... people with commercial intent searching online with credit card in hand and are ready to buy! Simply type in a url or do a query search and target the "Commercial Intent" keywords that people are using in their searches.
One more tool is Hexatrack Competitors Keyword Tool here http://hexatrack.com. It tracks ads that are in the top searches and gives you long tail variations of which keywords are profitable. It helps you "spy" on competitors, uncover profitable niches and affiliate offers used to rake in bundles of cash.
You can also look at a websites cache page. When you do a search and see the websites to choose from, each one has a cache page at the end of the text and just to the right of their actual url. It may read something like this: "www.website.com/ - 23k-Cached - Simular pages". Click on "Cached" and it will share which keywords were used to search for that site.
These tools will involve that dirty little 4 letter word called "work", but the savings in time, testing, and targeting the people who are most likely to buy your product or service will be well worth the effort. These tools are free for you to use so take advantage of them. Don't just shotgun your message hoping your market will find you. Take your message right to your Target Market!
[Dennis Jaspersen is an online business professional, affiliate marketer, blogger, and social networker. His website can be found HERE and his blog is HERE.]
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