Features And Benefits: A Website Of Your Own

As an online solopreneur running a small business, having a dedicated website of your own offers numerous features and benefits that can significantly enhance exposure, provide a platform for showcasing wares or services, and establish a solid foundation for an online presence. Here are key features and benefits to having a dedicated online platform: Features […]
Why Do I Need A Website Of My Own

Why Do You Need A Website Of My Own In today’s digital age, having a website is essential for both individuals and businesses. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or a small business owner, a website is a powerful tool that can help you reach your goals and grow your business. We should […]
A Beginner’s Guide To Building Your Successful Small Business With WordPress
WordPress … have you heard of it yet? Maybe you know about WordPress, maybe you do not. You may think that WordPress is essentially just a “technical” web tool best left to code-programming techies and geeks such as website developers and web designers. It’s easy to understand why you would be feeling this way. Perhaps […]
Content Creation Part 14
Who Will Write Your Content? In our last section you were asked to come up with at least 100 topic ideas for web content. If you have done this, great … well done! You are an action taker. If you haven’t done this yet, then let’s take little “baby steps” to get there, and we’ll […]
Content Creation Part 12
Coming Up With New Ideas In our last section we shared with you an overview of a very simple, yet highly effective 5-Step #WordPress Content Writing Action Plan. Step 1 was to create an ideas folder for your web content. Have you done that? If you haven’t yet then do it now. It should only […]