From the stories I read as a child to the technical tombs I refer to regularly in my current work I have always thought of books as my friends. I've read hundreds of books. I couldn't begin to tell you how many. I owned a book store once and sold thousands of books. I've also appraised large collections of books for insurance compainies. Today I read and research books almost daily, including ebooks. I own a Kindle and love it.

I tell you this because I want you to know that I know a little about books. I am also a writer so I also know a little about words. I have my own style, of course, as most every writer does, but there is something universal about certain words, certain combinations of words, that convey concepts and bring forth ideas in their use. For the online marketer the use of correct words is eminently important.

We call words written for general consumption, through the press or online, copy and the process of creating copy is known as copywriting. When it comes to marketing, the communication arm of selling, good copywriting is critical to the message. Knowing, and using, those phrases that not only describe, but allow the client or customer to visualize, our product or service, choosing the right words that explain the needs served,the features offered, and the functions delivered, is all important to us closting the deal.

Copywriting may be as important as any other single aspect of our product, service, presentation, or business as a whole. Getting it right can be the difference between success and failure in a product launch, a brand, or even our future. Getting it right is something we must do.

In my reading and researching I have come across many good books on copywriting but this one, The Definitive Encyclopedia Of Marketable Words, contains most everything you need to know to create ads, launch funnels, squeeze pages, and other marketing copy that pulls. It takes you through the various stages of understanding the words, the phrases, and their correct usage in marketing. This is a marketing power document. As the forward states,

"In our everyday conversations, words have played an important role in the expression of emotions and desire. Words also have the ability to affect the emotions of others. It can ignite emotions such as anger, fear, jealousy, joy, lust, greed, and even love.

"Surprising enough, even the most seasoned marketers overlook the most powerful element in any business. This element usually determines the make or break between a mediocre and an outstanding business.

"This element is known as Marketable Words.

"This book will uncover its secrets to help you inspire your customers to take action and create the results you desire.

"The Definitive Encyclopedia Of Marketable Words The Ultimate Copywriter's Companion - Paint A Dream, Sell Your Ideas And Market Your Message With A Thousand Words That Sell!"

Get your copy of this 121 page, information packed, ebook NOW FREE!

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