The Power of Words

Have you ever noticed how some writers seem to be able to literally ‘play’ with your emotions? A good writer can send their readers from one emotion to another almost at will: you might be sweating from fear in one instant and bawling your eyes out the next. Or you might fly into a fit […]
High Quality PLR Internet Slayers

Private Label Rights (PLR) content is a great way to get new content for your website, blog, newsletter, social media posts, and even for creating reports, ebooks, and other documents even when you are not comfortable writing it yourself. Using high quality PLR is important, but finding good resources can be difficult. This post should […]
Winning Headlines – How To Write Them
Learning How to write winning headlines is really not that difficult, especially if you know the basics to what grabs the consumer’s minds into reading what you have written. Whether it is for a sales page, an article, or for your website or blog, it is vital that your headlines are eye catching, interesting, and […]
Content Creation Part 26
In our last section, we explained where the saying “Content Is King” comes from Bill Gates, and began looking at different content types you can use to market your business using content. We talked about blogging, and using WordPress, because it’s simply the best blogging platform out there. Let’s continue our discussion today by asking […]
Content Creation Part 25
Have you ever heard of the expression “Content Is King”? This is probably one of the two most often-quoted sayings in internet marketing circles (the other one is “The Money Is In The List!”). Do you know where it comes from?
Content Creation Part 24
In our last section, we provided you with a list of places to source images for your web content. Did you get a chance to go through and register with some of those sites? Great! Today, I want to help you lay the right foundations for outsourcing the creation of web content for your business. […]
Content Creation Part 23
In our last section, we discussed the importance of knowing the different types of image rights. Today, I want to give you a list of great resources where you can you can go to find free or royalty-free images for your web content.
Content Creation Part 22
In our last section, we looked at different types of PLR products and what these mean. We also said that in today’s section we were going to cover another important area of using content created by someone else that can get you into legal “hot water”.
Content Creation Part 21
In our previous section, we explored the option of using Private Label Right (PLR) content to save time and money writing content for your site. Before we go any further, I just want to make sure that you understand what private label rights are, and how these differ from other types of content distribution licenses.
Content Creation Part 20
Private Label Rights Content In addition to scouring the web gathering information and then rewriting existing content, you can also just “buy” content that you can publish as is, or rewrite and publish as your own. This type of content is called “private label rights” content, or “PLR” content. So … today’s content writing strategy […]