Features And Benefits: A Website Of Your Own

As an online solopreneur running a small business, having a dedicated website of your own offers numerous features and benefits that can significantly enhance exposure, provide a platform for showcasing wares or services, and establish a solid foundation for an online presence. Here are key features and benefits to having a dedicated online platform: Features […]
Template Toaster Review Part 1
The good folks at Template Toaster asked me to reveiw their current offering and I took them up on it. As it turned out, the undertaking couldn’t have come at a worse time for me. After weeks (months?) of delay and interuptions I finally sat down to do what I had promised. The following is […]
WordPress: Using Images In Pages And Posts
In this post I want to talk about using images in pages and posts on your website or blog. There are a lot of questions, and a lot of confusion, about this topic and I’ll try to deal with some of the issues here.
Why WordPress? Some Thoughts On Selecting Your Website Package
I am often asked, in one way or another, “Why WordPress?” — often it is in the form of “Why is WordPress better than…?” and one alternative or another (Wiz, Weebly, Joomla, Drupal etc.) is mentioned. So, let’s take a look at the answer (or answers) to the Why WordPress question.
Save Money And Avoid Problems With These Website Planning Tips – Part 3
Are you thinking about getting a website or blog built for your business? Then this guide to planning your website is for you. Note: This is Part 3 of the article where we take you step-by-step through the process of planning your website or blog. For Part 1, go here: Planning Your Website – A […]
Why WordPress
Why WordPress Is The Best Choice For You! Chances are you are already using WordPress if you are accessing this website. If so, the information below will help assure you about the choice you made. If not, this page will be a useful resource in support of the decision you will be making about which […]
What Is The WordPress Codex
A Codex is a written code or set of rules. From the Latin caudex for “trunk of a tree” it refers to a block of wood or a book constructed of a number of sheets of paper made from wood. The WordPress Codex is an online reference book that contains the code/rules/information about WordPress.
Is WordPress Open Source? What Does That Mean?
Yes, WordPress is open source. Open source is a powerful software development model that make the software source code freely available and provides for free licensing of the software for any purpose. Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, says this about open source,
Why Should I Use WordPress?
Chances are you are already using WordPress if you are accessing this website. If so, the information below will help assure you about the choice you made. If not, this page will be a useful resource in support of the decision you will be making about which website package to use.
WordPress For Business: Using Widgets
There are lots of great benefits to using WordPress to build and manage your website or blog. One of these is that WordPress makes it very easy to add content, enhance your website and reconfigure the layout of your website with no programming skills or knowledge required.