Successful people practice success methods. Certainly there is no single path to follow on your journey of success, however there are significant things you can do to help you stay on a path in order to lead you in the right direction. Setting goals and practicing rituals are among the most important.

Goal Setting Practicing Rituals From Website To Wealth
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When it comes to setting goals and practicing rituals, Daniel Mac Sweeney says, "When I wake up in the mornings, the only real daily ritual I do is to review my goals before my feet hit the ground to put a fire in my belly as to drive me through the day."

In his book, The Trap of Success: A Brutally Candid Guide to Overcoming Your Fears, Finding Significance, and Attaining Profound Success, Gene W Hammett suggests there are three steps you should follow when it comes to goals and daily rituals:

  1. Get clear on your goals. Take time to set the goals that mean the most to you and your growth. Set your goals to challenge you. Set them in various areas of your life and over different time frames too.
  2. Decide how you create daily rituals that drive you. You may want to do what John does with his goals, reading them before going to bed and when you wake in the morning. You may find a different ritual works best for you. The point is to find the daily practice that keeps you aligned with your goals.
  3. Commit to your rituals for a month. Give yourself 30 days to make it work for you. This may challenge you, which is good. Over one month, you will begin to see a benefit of your new ritual.

Daymond John of Shark Tank says, ""I have ten goals that I read every single night before I go to bed and every single morning when I wake up," he said. "Six of them expire in six months, and the other four expire in three years, five years, 10 years, and 20 years. I reset them every six months, and I never reach them. I only get 20 percent there, 30 percent there -- but I get closer to there."

Setting Goals And Practicing Rituals

Three different approaches to setting goals and practicing rituals. They all lead to success. What are you doing about setting goals? Are regularly practicing rituals that will lead you to success?

"Set your goals in concrete but draw your plans in the sand!"
-- Stephen B. Henry.

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