Today, I would like to discuss a topic embodied in this ever-present question: How do I get more sales? I keep finding so many online shop owners who complain they are not getting the sales they need to succeed in their business.

How Do I Get More Sales

In order to get regular sales, you need to position your products and services as solutions to problems your customers are facing. Generally, a person will only purchase something if it provides a solution to their current problem or issue.

C'mon, think about it! What was the last product or service you bought? Didn't it solve a problem that you had? That burger and fries, because you were hungry. That new shirt, because you were going to a wedding. Those new trainers, because your old ones had worn out. The new pack of pens, because you last one was about to run out of ink.

You buy, everyone buys, to solve a problem they have. Now think about the products or services you offer for sale. Do they solve problems? Amost certainly they do. Think about each one. What customer problem do they solve?

Think about the problems your products or services can solve. List out the customer pain points your products or services address. List them out on a piece of paper or computer/phone writing app for each product or service you offer. Think about your clients, what they do, and how your products or services address their needs. Use this format:

My client is a ...... who needs my ...... to ...... .


My customer is a ...... who needs my ...... to ...... .

eg: My client is a life coach who needs my life coach planner to organize their coaching programs.

Then use this information to write the promotional copy that outlines how your product or service solves your client's or customer's pain points. You now have sales copy that promotes your products and services correctly, answering the specific needs (the problem or issue) your customer has. Consider this:

"Are you a stay at home mom struggling with your home-based business because you don't have a suitable space to use as a permanent workplace? Are you finding it hard to stay organized? Are you spending more time getting ready to work than doing the actual work itself? Then Steve's latest book, Home-Based Business Organization On A Budget, is for you!"

See what I mean? What you say, and how you say it, is an important key to making more sales. Try it. See if this produces more sales for you.

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