There are many things in life that we must be serious about. Although it is good to stay focused on the important things, we should also make time to simply have a good laugh. Here are six ideas on ways to add laughter to your everyday life.

6 Ways To Add Laughter

Did you know laughing burns calories, and it bonds you to your loved ones. Laughter is also a great way to relieve stress. What more could you want in an activity that is so fun and refreshing?

6 Ways To Add Laughter To Your Life

1. Go to Karaoke Night

Whether or not you can sing, attend a karaoke night at a local pub. If you can sing, it will be fun and you will surely get a few moments of laughter.

If you are a terrible singer, well, that is even better. Openly mock yourself. Quietly find humor in the others whose voices are not their strong point either. There are always a few. Have fun and laugh together.

2. Watch a Funny Movie

Sometimes all it takes to de-stress is to watch someone else being funny. Put on a good comedy. Choose one with your favorite silly actors, and enjoy. You can also find funny short movies on YouTube.

3. Make a Prank Call

This is only applicable to a close friend, of course, but if you want to have a really good laugh… make a prank call. If you have been blessed with the ability to disguise your voice, call your friend up and act as though you are an obnoxious salesman or some other such person.

As immature as this may sound, you and your friend will both almost certainly get a good laugh out of the ordeal when the jig is up. Moments like these are ones that you will likely never forget.

4. Play a Practical Joke

Another one to use on a good friend who shares your sense of humor is playing a practical joke. This likely tops the list of easy laughs. Whether you choose to set several hidden alarm clocks in their room, or switch the salt and sugar temporarily, give them a reason to remember you.

Other ideas include dropping a fake spider over their shoulder, changing their cell phone setting to a foreign language, or placing clear plastic wrap in between their toilet bowl and the toilet seat when you visit their home.

5. Ask Your Children to Make Some Jokes

If you have little ones, or friends with little ones, ask them to be the comedian for the evening. Sometimes children say the funniest things. Even when their jokes fall flat, there is something humorous about a little one trying to get a laugh out of the adults.

6. Find Humor When There Seems to Be None

One of the most important things to do is to search for those hidden humorous moments in life. When you lock yourself out of your car, remember what a funny story it will be in the future, and start to point out the funny details to yourself and your family.

When things seem to be going wrong, change the tone of the moment. Think of an interesting and hilarious way you will tell your story to someone at a later time. This can change a stressful moment into a great one in an instant.

There are many ways to add laughter to your life. Use the six ideas above as a springboard to your own list of raucous laugh-inducers. You will feel your stress melt away as the laughs increase on a daily basis. You will change your life for the better when you add laughter to your life!


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