There is often a terrible misconception that choosing yourself and your own needs over those of others is a selfish choice. You need to make yourself a priority in your own life. Read more to find out why.

Make Yourself a Priority in Your Own Life

Because of the misconception that you should always put others first, many people will continually serve others and make choices that fail to honor their own needs. They do this in favor of false and misleading concepts, leaving themselves without the attention and care they deserve from, and for, themselves.

By not prioritizing your own needs, you will lose contentment with life. If you are not actually caring for yourself, listening to your body, and doing things to support your health, you are going to struggle in life.

Getting this right can be difficult, especially when you have other obligations and responsibilities vying for your complete attention! Let me give you an example:

A mother and child are flying on a commercial airliner when the cabin loses pressure and oxygen masks drop from the ceiling. Does the mother put her own mask on or attend to the child first? This is an extreme example but the answer is important!

The correct answer is to put her own mask on first. That is not selfish or displaying lack of care for her child. In fact, the mother will probably have to exert extreme willfulness to secure her mask first. She will want to attend to the child, even at her own expense.

But what if she does the child first? She is likely inexperienced with the mask and she may find it awkward to secure it on a frightened and, perhaps, struggling child. She may not be quick enough and she may pass out before accomplishing the task.

Without her to attend to his mask, the child will pass out too. If the lack of oxygen in the cabin persists, both may perish.

But if the mother puts her mask on first, contrary to her instinctive feelings, she will survive and can successfully attend to securing her child's mask in ample time for him to survive too.

To maintain contentment with your life (and to ensure that you are feeling well enough to fulfill those other obligations and responsibilities), make sure you are doing what you need to do correctly in order to care for yourself as well as others.

Making yourself a priority can take many forms. For example, to care for yourself and prioritize your needs, you may...

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