Have you ever watched a cat get up from their spot and stretch? They do it every single time they change positions. Believe it or not, if you copy your cat and start stretching gently any time you change positions, feel tired, or need energy, you’ll invigorate your brain and feel better throughout the day.

Cat Stretching From Website To Wealth

The Benefits of Stretching

Aside from getting more energy, stretching provides many benefits, such as more flexibility, better posture, helps prevent injury, and helps get blood to your muscles which helps reduce soreness. In terms of your mind, obviously less pain is going to be uplifting, but stretching also calms you down, releases tension, and increases good energy so that you can be more productive.

Think Like a Cat

If you want to add stretching to your day, think like a cat and do it every time you change positions or get tired. Especially stretch before and after exercises. Be careful stretching too much when your muscles aren’t warm, though, and likewise be careful stretching too far just because you are warmed up. Stretching should never cause pain; it should feel good. Therefore, don’t bounce a stretch and only move as far as feels natural to you.

If you want to learn more about stretching, consider signing up for yoga or a Pilates class. There you can learn about keeping your form proper so that you don’t injure yourself. Some gyms now offer stretching classes, which is also a good way to learn the proper techniques. You can also learn online via streaming classes through Lastics.com. They use stretching techniques that dancers use to be flexible, elongate their muscles, and experience less pain.

Stretching in Your Chair

You can also stretch in your chair at the office.

Occasionally, anytime you feel tired or strained, simply stand up, stand with your feet shoulders’ width apart, put your hands on the small of your back, lean back slowly to arch your back just until you feel a very slight stretch in your abdominal muscles. It should not hurt. Hold for up to 20 seconds and repeat three times.

You can try many different chair exercises that mostly involve stretching, to help get the flow of blood to your brain and to your muscles. This will provide a tremendous boost of energy. If you need ideas, you can order a DVD from Amazon or look on Amazon for streaming choices. For example, Sit and Be Fit: Easy Fitness for Seniors by Mary Ann Wilson is a great choice, whether you’re a senior or not. It will help you get through a sedentary day in the office. Get It On Amazon.

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