There are several ways to add additional value to your customers to engender loyalty and even buzz about your brand.

The first is to appeal to their values, which are not all about money. Using the car example again, what are the values and emotional triggers involved in purchasing a Volvo versus a Porsche versus a Honda?

A Toyota versus a Lexus? These two are both made by the same company, so how to the perceptions of each brand differ? The Lexus, of course, indicates luxury, success, comfort and so on. Ask yourself how you can differentiate each of your products from that of your competitors?

What Adds Additional Value?

Is it the latest? Most up to date? Green and all-natural? And so on. Again, think benefits, not just features. For example, a Honda is roomy, perfect for families. Some models are clean and green to help benefit the planet.

The second way is to have regular product launches, which will create buzz on your site, in your emails and on the social networks.

The third way is to add value to all of your products while offering lower prices than your competitors. Undercut them slightly and add exciting extras, little bonuses that will not cost a lot. These can include as worksheets, templates, checklists and so on. They can all add up to sweetening the deal and making the sale.

Give great customer service. Under promise and over deliver and you should soon see a steady stream of repeat customers.

A fourth tactic is to bundle. Put together 2 or more of your best products for one low price, plus add great bonuses they will not be able to get anywhere else. Offer FAQs, insider tips, or perhaps even a free membership site. Make the offer so good they would be foolish to miss out.

Keep producing great content and offers related to your niche and you will soon become a brand worth buying from over and over again even in a competitive market.

Online marketing may seem so easy that anyone can do it. On the other hand, it may seem impossible to make money in what appears to be a saturated market. The truth is somewhere in between. If you research your niche and keep up with the latest trends, you can leverage all this information to position your brand as one worth paying attention to because you have your finger on the pulse of your customers, industry and competitors.

Through research via forums, social networks and surveys, you can start to seem like a mind-reader to your target audience. By tracking and testing your sales materials and your results, you can spend more time on what works and not waste time on what does not.

Track the news and trends related to your niche and keep an eye on your competitors. Model your own work based on what they are doing, but always try to go one better. Offer a quality product at the right price, and great bundles that will make your customers’ lives better.

No matter what the price, be sure your item has high perceived value in the eyes of your customers. Create such great offers they will not only buy, they will tell others.

Use all you learn about your niche to create content and products that your target audience will eagerly grab. It is all about adding additional value. Here’s to your success in your niche.

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