We have all had our start to the new year. For some it's been a new beginning. For some a nothing more than a continuation of the old. For some it's been good and for some, not so much. One good thing that goes with age is that I've been through more new year beginnings than most of you. That experience has taught me much.

I have learned what's necessary to make each year a success; what works and what doesn't. I've won a few and I've lost a few. On balance, more wins than losses. And the stand-out take-away is that our online presence efforts break nicely into three major areas:

1) Personal

2) Business

3) Technical

Each is important, and all of us have strengths and weaknesses in different areas.

A couple of years ago I put together a program that combined many of my areas of skill and knowledge into a year-long study course that addressed many aspects of these three areas. I had a small group of attendees who each took away their own successes. From their results I fine-tuned the program and offered it again. I learned more from the second series and put all of that learning back into the program.

I learned some key things:

- not everybody needed all the material but everyone needed some (most) of it,

- self-study was the most flexible way to learn but it was the most difficult for maintaining commitment,

- personal guidance and mentoring was a necessary component for serious success,

- everything can't be learned at once, that leads to overwhelm; learning must be spread over time,

- the ability to get questions answered in a timely fashion is key to successful study and learning, and

- not everybody learns at the same speed, is available at the same time, or can start during a launch.

My program was based on the concept of thinking outside the box and, in fact, going beyond that concept to having no box at all. No box at all... NOBOXATALL.

Noboxatall Prescription For Success WizardsPlace

The name does sound like a medication, after all. But I wanted this medication to be easy to take, I wanted the learning to be effective, and I wanted to incorporate what I had learned from two previous launches, bringing together all the things covered in those points above, and more.

Whether you are starting fresh at the new year with new ideas, new goals, and new plans, or you have run up against a wall of struggle and overwhelm somewhere in the middle of your journey, NOBOXATALL addresses your needs and your timing.

Begin with a new year, or at any time during the year, at a time that meets your circumstances and your needs. NOBOXATALL guides you as you learn, as you putt your new plans in place and new marketing efforts in action. NOBOXATALL looks at your brand and your voice, the copy you use to convey your message, and the face you put on your business online. To be effective, your online presence is taken as a whole. You learn to take advantage of new opportunities, to implement new strategies, to incorporate new technologies. NOBOXATALL covers traffic, social media, marketing, web presence, and so much more.

Do you needing help with goals and plans?

Do you need guidance to initiate action and to be accountable?

Would personal consultation and monthly Q & A sessions with a leading expert help?

Do you prefer self-study, working at your own speed, but know you need encouragement, assistance, and the ability to go back over material that eludes you?

The new NOBOXATALL - Prescription For Your Personal & Business Success program is about to launch. We are almost ready to start another 12 months of monthly self-study, in-depth multi-media learning, live-streaming Q&A, individual and group coaching sessions, general and personal programs, and I would love to spend those 12 months with you! Let me help you take your business to new heights, to the next level, as you realize your dream through learning, understanding, and -- oh yes! -- hard work.

The key thing about this launch is you don't have to get in on the beginning. You can start at a time that is good for you. This new program is designed to start on any day, in any month, anywhere through the year. It then runs for 12 30-day sessions.

This isn't an off-the-shelf package quickly compiled to get you to part with large sums of money, either. This is a carefully crafted program that deals with personal growth, technical application, and business success. The NOBOXATALL Prescription For Your Personal & Business Success includes detailed study, important practice, key factors and elements that lead to actionable plans, functional application, and clear understanding.

Each 30 day period is packed with new material covering all three areas. Each moment of study moves you forward. You learn at your own speed and you can return as often as needed to review and re-study the material provided. But you are not alone. I will personally guide you, show you how to put in your business systems in place, set realistic action steps, apply communication and marketing practices to reach dozens, hundres, even millions with your message, as your business needs dictate.

Whether you are building a small second income home-based business, or a 6 figure or larger primary income, to add to a job, replace a job, or secure retirement, NOBOXATALL Prescription For Your Personal & Business Success is about setting realistic goals and then achieving them. And I will be here to help you through each of the 12 30-day modules.

Based not only on what I know, my own proven formula for the past 25 years, NOBOXATALL Prescription For Your Personal & Business Success includes material provided, and in some cases custom created, by some of the top performers, best marketers, and key influencers, in the world today.

What kind of material will this program address?

- Developing personal attitudes and habits that support success.

- Applying proven systems to manage planning and action.

- Harnessing inner strengths to deal with overwhelm, procrastination.

- Deciding upon the best operational niche for YOU.

- Creating your brand and delivering your message.

- Finding and identifying your target audience.

- Building a solid foundation for your online presence.

- Effectively utilizing social media platforms.

- Creating an irresistible offer that close like crazy.

- Multiple business modles that make big money fast.

- Extending your reach through speaking, events, TV, and more.

- Attracting ideal staff and effective outsourcing help.

- Creating a powerful organic traffic system.

And there is still more. It is, after all, 12 30-day modules, each a program in itself, to take you through a powerful and effective year of actionable learning.

You might even say, "I don't need all of that!" And you might well be right. Some of this you may already know. I believe the program will be a worth-while review in those areas. Some of it may not apply to your online presence. This is a great opportunity to be sure. But more than enough of it will be new, new to you, and necessary enough for your own personal and business success that you will not want to miss this program.

I have put this amazing accumulation of knowledge and experience into place and I am confident you will gain enough from it to make the price, and your time, worth the commitment -- and then some! Your access to this material, and all future updates, will remain as long as you wish to access it. You can cancel the program at any time too. Take as much, or as little, as you choose.

You will be able to begin the NOBOXATALL Prescription For Your Personal & Business Success whenever you want, access new material presented in each 30 day session, and return as often as necessary to access it again and again. Make no mistake, this program is worth several thousands of dollars. The content in any one of these 30-day sessions could easily be offered as a stand-alone program for $1997.00. In fact, I have seen programs with much less offered for that exact price.

If I offered just the base material in each session for that price it would be a good deal. But the monthly program includes direct communication, email and Skype access, live-streaming personal and group sessions, and other live trainings. This program is going to fill fast when it is launched, especially when I release the price.

To be first to know when the launch occurs, to get this program, all 12 30-day sessions, continued access, working personally with me over twelve months, and to guarantee your spot at a crazy-affordable price, sign up on the waiting list today:

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