Can WordPress fix a poorly built website? Does it even matter. Ask yourself, are you missing out on business, and thereby losing money, because of poor website design? No matter how strong your services are, a poorly designed website could lose you valuable credibility and result in significant business loss. Your WordPress website should be the foundation for your online presence. Learn how to do it right.

How Can WordPress Fix A Poorly-Built Website?


In a world where attractive design matters, how your website is seen by your sit visitors is becoming ever more important to the success of your business. Your website is probably the first thing that your visitor sees when finding you online. Their initial perception could affect their purchasing decision.

People are now turning more than ever before to the internet to find products and services. Even if we're only doing preliminary research, we still switch on our mobile phone and go browse someone's web site first before purchasing products in-store or online.

Now, try to see things from your prospect's viewpoint. How does your web site appear to visitors? Does your site invite them to approach and explore things further, or does it make them confused and cautious about what to do next?

The way your website looks is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more than can influence your web visitors' perceptions and their decision to ultimately move forward and do business with you.

Let's review a few key design issues that can affect your website's results:

Web Design Problems

Common design issues that can influence a visitor's perception about your website include the following:

Site Functionality Issues

Typical website functionality issues can include:

Poor User Experience

Normally, where your business suffers most noticeably because of a poorly-designed website is the "user experience".

A poor user experience can leave a bad taste in users mouths and lead to venting their disappointment on social media, user forums, review sites, comments, etc ....

Here are just some common issues that can lead to a poor user experience:

WordPress website design

As the above shows, there are many areas that can lead to a poor user experience and impact your business success online. If your website isn’t designed in a user-friendly way, you run the serious risk of not only losing potential paying customers, but also current clients too.

Now, what if you have arrived found this information because you currently have an existing site with design issues that could be affecting your business?

First, understand that getting a complete website overhaul can take some time and can also be quite costly depending on the problem and what kind of site you currently operate, especially if it requires a lot of coding.

If you are considering getting a new website built or upgrading an existing web site, then we strongly suggest that you consider choosing the WordPress website publishing platform.

WP web site design

We plan to share a lot more information about WordPress on this site, but here are just a few key points to keep in mind about why you should choose WordPress:

WP Themes - Unique Web Design Features

WordPress themes are unique web site design templates that let you completely change the look of your site with only a few mouse clicks.

There are thousands of great-looking WordPress themes available that can be downloaded. Many of these are either free, or they are relatively cheap, saving you hundreds, even thousands of dollars on the cost of website design.

WordPress web site design

Most themes nowadays are responsive and provide you with flexible and customizable features for changing your site's design like color, elements like headers and footers, layouts and more. Themes are just part of what makes WordPress an ideal tool for helping you achieve a design for your website that ultimately helps to improve your business.

WP Plugins - Powerful Expansion

Another great reason to build your site using WordPress is that WordPress provides you with expandable features through add-on applications called "plugins."

WordPress plugins, like WP themes, integrate easily with your site to provide you with virtually unlimited functionality.

Earlier in this article we looked at issues in areas like subpar functionality and feature limitations as part of the reason why a poorly designed website can lose you potential clients.

WordPress plugins can help you overcome these problems quite easily. If there is a functionality you need to integrate with your site, just install a WordPress plugin that does what you need to get things done.

Need a plugin that will let you know about any issues on your site such as links not working, audios not playing, graphics that are missing or even alert you if your entire website is down? No problems ... there are plugins that can help you fix that, or let you know about issues so you can correct these immediately!

Want a plugin that will transform your website into an online store or provide you with a complete e-commerce business solution? Again, no problem! There are several inexpensive and easy-to-use WordPress plugins that will help you sell products on your site and provide your users with full e-commerce functionality that allow them to easily choose and add items to a cart, use discounts, purchase with credit card or PayPal, receive notifications, receipts and confirmations, etc.

And just like WP themes, there are thousands of fantastic WP plugins that can be downloaded at $0 cost, or that are relatively cheap, once again, saving you hundreds, even thousands of dollars on the cost of web development.

WP tips

You can learn more about plugins HERE.

WordPress - An Enhanced User Experience

In addition to being able to correct issues caused by a poorly-built web site, WordPress can also help you create a great user experience for visitors.

WordPress provides beautifully-designed and visually-exciting themes that cover all types of uses and applications and functional plugins that allow visitors to connect, engage and interact online with you. With the right combination of a WordPress website, WordPress themes, plugins and great content, you can create a rich and enhanced user experience that will keep people returning again and again.

WP website design

As we've previously stated, consumers nowadays do extensive research online before they make purchasing decisions. If your website isn’t designed to provide your visitors with a rich user experience, these potential buyers will not return and simply move on to another business with a better website or website experience.

Hopefully now you have a better understanding of issues that can affect your website and how WordPress can help you get better results online. To learn more about using WordPress for a business website please see our related posts section.

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Disclaimer: We are not associated with WordPress or any of the WordPress-related products written about on this site. We may derive a financial benefit from sales of products advertised, reviewed or linked to from this site. All information used in this review have been supplied from the plugin's own website and/or from websites that provide premium WordPress service, such as Our Hutch Web Services, or The Website Jedi.

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