10 Energizing Tricks Part: 3 – Cool Your Body Invigorate Your Mind

It’s amazing what a difference temperature can make when you’re trying to be mentally productive. It may seem strange to cool down to get more mental clarity and energize your mind, but it’s all scientific. Think about this. Your brain uses glucose to run and cooling down tends to release the glucose, thus waking up […]

10 Energizing Tricks Part: 2 – Power Off

Due to the advent of electronics like mobile devices, tablets, and computers (not to mention streaming TV), insomnia seems to be at epidemic proportions. People honestly do believe they’re getting more done because they think they’re multitasking. They’re watching TV, talking to people on social media, checking their work email, and shopping all at once, […]

10 Energizing Tricks Part 1: Limit Your Options

Most people feel as if they don’t have enough time in the day. They end up working into the late evening hours either at work or at the “second shift” at home. Often, this means they are missing out on a lot of time that should be used resting, sleeping, and re-energizing. The solution is […]

Living Now. How? Why?

So much time, and even effort, is spent, wasted, on or thinking about, even worrying about, the past. What could I have done? What should I have done? If only… (two of the sorriest words in the English language!) Whatever it is, it is backward focus, an all-to-common activity these days. It fits within what […]


We have all had our start to the new year. For some it’s been a new beginning. For some a nothing more than a continuation of the old. For some it’s been good and for some, not so much. One good thing that goes with age is that I’ve been through more new year beginnings […]

Attracting More Wealth – 3 Secrets To Help You Get There

Many people will admit that wealth brings in more happiness and so there is no surprise that people want to attract more success and thereby more wealth. The problem with attracting more wealth, though, is that people tend to try and force success into their lives and this leads to more problems, more stress, and […]

Tips To Get More Done

Here are 7 great tips to get more done with your day, in your business, and throughout your life. They relate to each other and tie together to feed into your attitude, your involvement, and your success.

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A Role Model – What Is It?

Role Models – So Many For The Wrong Reasons! According to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, a role model is: “A person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.” They credit this definition to the Random House dictionary.

Make Your Attitude Your Ally

In every aspect of your life, you attitude plays a big role, an important role. Perhaps it is an even bigger role than you imagine. If you want to get ahead, find personal and business success, and be content in your life, then you have to make your attitude your ally. It is basic and […]