Reaching Your Target Market

While internet marketing can be very exciting and profitable, many newcomers make the mistake of simply throwing up a website with a product and spit it out for the online world to find, never taking the time to find out where their market exists within their niche, all the while desperately hoping that their customers […]

Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Marketing? Social media is information content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. At its most basic sense, social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content. It’s a fusion of sociology and technology, transforming monologue (one to many) into dialog […]

Review: Twitter Marketing – How To Go Viral

There are a lot of how-to books around about the online community and especially about social networking. It’s not a big surprise that books about Twitter are no exception. Finding a good one, however, in a sea full of offerings is no easy task. Many of them are page after page of fluff, repeating the […]

SEO Ideas For Better Visibility

Here is a short video from Google’s Matt Cutts who shares key insights into how you can use SEO to have your website be better found on the Internet through what he refers to as better visibility. Click Your Favorite Social Media Site Icon To Share This Page/Post With A Friend…

Keys To Blogging Success

Blogging is a powerful tool for SEO and for bringing people, real live people, to your site. Remember, attracting search engine bots is important but they don’t buy anything. Getting actual potential customers to your site is among the most important things you do.

Reciprocity Network

Reciprocity Network is a directory registry for buyers and sellers. It is also a social network and more. Get free promotion for your website or other online selling site. Participate in expanded paid promotions if you wish.


Blogger is a blog publishing system. It is an easy-to-use web site where you can quickly post thoughts, interact with people, and more, all for FREE. It was created by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003.

Blogging To Success

Blogging (blog, from “web log”) can be a great way to get your business noticed. There are many reasons why the online seller would want to create and maintain a blog. I’ve outlined a few of the important ones below.

Driving Traffic With Forums

There are thousands, indeed likey millions, of discussion forums available online. These are places where people interact posting their thoughts, comments, and opinions, in threaded “discussion” areas on a website. Some of these sites are topical and posting rules are strictly enforced. Some allow you to post links to your commercial website and some don’t. […]

Find My Seller

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: KEYWORDS: eBay, Online Auctions, Online Merchants, eCommerce