Authors Wanted!

I am assembling and publishing a new social media anthology for Kindle and I am looking for nine additional authors to participate in its creation. I am looking for business professionals, coaches, and/or social media professionals to write a chapter on their experience and/or recommendations for social media use in business (online or off). The […]

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to expand your sales reach. Others place banners, links, or even full offers, for your product or service on their website and get paid a commission (by you) on every sale made through their promotion.

A New Perspective On Social Media Marketing

Dan Zarrella, in his new book Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness: The science, design and engineering of contagious ideas offers answers to the questions that plague social media marketing practitioners: • Is anyone paying attention to what I post? • Does anyone see my updates on facebook? • Are my tweets actually reaching anyone? • Why […]

Twitter For Newsrooms

If you are an advanced Twitter user, or want to be one, this new website may be just the thing you need.

Search Engine Optimization Tips

There is, it seems, always (or almost always!) a conflict between good HTML practice and what someone, somewhere, has said is best for SEO. I tend to err on the side of good HTML because that is always right whereas, more often than not, many of the gimmicks designed to get you better search engines […]

Alternative Open Source Web Analytics

Knowing what’s happening with traffic to your website can be critical to understanding marketing results, search engine optimization, and determining the best promotion methods, but when it comes to web analytics, Google isn’t the only game in town!

An Introduction To SEO

Perhaps some of you are just getting started. You have heard the term SEO but you don’t know what it means or if it applies to you in any way. That’s the position I found myself in not too long ago. I had been a Power Seller on eBay and things were really going well. […]

Do You Have To Pay Big Bucks For SEO?

Why do companies that do good SEO charge so much for it? Well, it’s partly just because they can. There are few really good companies, and there is so much myth on the subject, that the really good companies are able to command high fees for their service. Bigger e-commerce businesses that want their websites […]

Google Base

Well if you haven’t submitted to Google Base you really should. This is currently the best free way to promote your items that I know of. That being said, I recently downloaded Google Store Connector. I was delighted to see that in addition to having instant uploading to Google Base from eBay and Yahoo stores […]

SEO For Everyone

Like many of you I’ve been busy trying to find a solution for dealing with the present economic situation that is affecting us all. It is my considered belief that good SEO will go a long way to helping any website regardless of the economic times. So, here’s what I’ve prepared for everyone: “SEO Tips […]